Rage 1

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Even though that the first version of the Rage game series was created long time ago, it is still one of the best stickman games with a lot of interesting game modes and awesome gameplay. If you love games like Fancy Pants, Electric Man and others, you will definitely enjoy the Rage game as well. The game is very addictive and interesting - you can choose a game mode which is more suitable for you : you can either play an arcade mode, or try adventure mode. The rules of the game are pretty simple - you have to travel across different lands and kill the enemies. At the beginning of the game your only weapon are your chests but as you progress you can unlock different weapons. There is also one special skill which makes your character stronger - Rage. When you make a successful combo attack, the rage bar grows bigger. Once it is full, the rage mode is turned on and you can make double damage to the enemies. I am sure that you will enjoy the full version of Rage 1 at out website as well as other versions of the game.

Game Controls

[Left arrow] = Move left
[Right arrow] = Move right
[Up arrow] = Jump/Climb
[Down arrow] = Crouch/Pick up item
[A] = Punch
[S] = Kick
[D] = Dodge roll
[E] = Shoot guns
[C] = Rage blast
[X] = Drop item
[W] = Check weapon inventory
[Z] = Pause

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